Профессор кафедры ортодонтии в Национальном университете Кюнгпук в Тэгу, Корея. Доктор Кюнг является одним из самых опытных клиницистов в разработке и использовании микроимплантатов в ортодонтическом лечении во всем мире. Он дал более 250 курсов по всему миру о крепеже для микроимплантов и лингвальном ортодонтическом лечении. Он является принципиальным автором книги «Микроимпланты в ортодонтии», в которой подробно описаны протоколы, используемые доктором Кюнг и его коллегами. Он является активным членом Общества Энгеля. Он является президентом Всемирного Общества Лингвальной Ортодонтии и президентом Корейской Ассоциации Ортодонтов.
- 1974,3-1980,2: College of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University (KNU), D.D.S.
- 1981,3-1983,2: Graduate course of Kyungpook National University,M.S.D.
- 1986,9-1989,8: Graduate course of Kyunghee University,Seoul,Korea, Ph.D,
- 1980,3-1981,2: General Practice Residency, KNU Infirmary Hospital of Dental School,
- 1981,3-1983,2: Orthodontic Residency, KNU Infirmary Hospital of Dental School,
- 1983.2-1986.04: Army Service ( as a Navy officer)
- 1986,5 – present: Full time instructor & Professor, School of Dentistry, KNU
- 1991,4 - 1992,3: Visiting Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka University, Japan
- 1996.1-1997.12: Visiting & Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia, Canada
- 2001.1-2003.1 Dean, College of Dentistry, KNU
- 2003.10-present: Founding member of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics
- 2003.10-2008.10: Vice president of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics
- 2004.10-2012.07: Chairman, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, KNU
- 2007.11-2010.04: President, Korean Association of Lingual Orthodontists
- 2010.04-present : Active member of Angle Society (East Branch)
- 2015.07-present : President of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics
- 2016.04-present : President of Korean Association of Orthodontists
Dr. Hee-Moon Kyung is Professor of the Department of Orthodontics at Kyungpook National University in Daegu, Korea. Dr. Kyung is one of the most experienced clinicians in the development and utilization of microimplants in orthodontic treatment worldwide. He has given more than 250 courses throughout world about microimplant anchorage and lingual orthodontic treatment. He is a principle author of the book entitled Microimplants in Orthodontics, a volume that describes in detail the protocols used by Dr. Kyung and his colleagues. He is an active member of Angle Society. He is a president of World Society of Lingual Orthodontics & a president of Korean Association of Orthodontists.